Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Selfishness Campaign

I went to lunch with a good friend of mine the other day...and boy did she drop some knowledge. A lot of the gems given during the conversation resonated with me and actually made me somewhat emotional after her departure. During the conversation I realized how much she had grown as a human being and I admired that she wanted to constantly reflect on what she needed to do to become the best version of herself in the future. What really stuck with me was her acceptance of past, present, and future relationships and no longer needing to justify why some relationships may dwindle. I've given a lot of thought of what kind of person I want to be and whether or not I have actually chosen to walk down a path of betterment or bitterness by dwelling on relationships that are no longer as strong as they once were. As I write this I realize that in an effort to be selfless I've lost myself just a smidgen and maybe incorporating selfishness into my character make-up won't be such a bad thing after all. A few ideas on how to selfishly enhance my being while not negatively affecting the people I love the most are listed below:
1. Stop pushing through:
Ignoring your body or your mind is actually one of the most unhealthy things you can do to yourself. If you're tired...then you're tired...and that's OK. You shouldn't have to justify why you are unable to do something for others if it means you can not give the best version of yourself at a particular moment, especially if the event or request is trivial. Remember, while you're running around like a chicken with your head cut off...other people are asleep or resting or not worried about the unnecessary stress you have inflicted upon yourself to make others happy. So I'll take my own advice...I need to have a seat somewhere.

2. Wait for the request:
"Too often we jump in and start helping a friend, co-worker or family member before they've even asked. Then we get burned when they don't take our advice. It hurts." Go ahead and set some boundaries, because setting clear and concrete boundaries allows you to help wholeheartedly and be sincere in the process...not just enable them.

3. Find your happy and run like hell with it:
As I write this I've even begun to feel slight guilt for premeditating this whole "selfish" campaign. Approximately 5 seconds has passed and I've realized that I'm not really being selfish at all...I'm trying to be happy...and therefore the previous sentence is some bullshit. I am no longer exhausting myself by attempting to "do the most"...that is the goal for 2016. There is some quote that states "friends come and go"...that's a crock of foolishness to me. Real friends are forever no matter where you are in life, so finding your happy should not offend the ones you love the most...because they love you as well and want you to be happy.

With all of that being said...being a little selfish can lead to a happiness you have been unable to experience previously. When you're happy, your energy is infectious and inspires and encourages others to be happy too. Let's face it...everyone's a lot more fun when their happy.

Friday, December 18, 2015

The Winter Solstice & A Time to be Still

On Wednesday, December 16th, I attended an event that was conducted by Egyptologist Anthony Browder about the connection between Kemetic (Egyptian) Spirituality and practices and Christianity. From the two hour lecture, the one topic that stood out to me was about the Winter Solstice which begins December 21st. Astronomically, the Winter Solstice marks the beginning of shortening nights and lengthening days, however it also is the period when the sun is still. Following the Winter Solstice is a full moon that appears on December 25th, which in Kemetic faith is recognized as the birth of the sun and the enhancement of solar energies by a full moon.

During the period of December 21st-24th, it is the most opportune time to align our bodies with our spiritual self. Society has conditioned us to believe that during the Holiday season we should attend multiple events, buy gifts for loved ones and people we could care less about and to rip and run to make sure we have things we do not need, however we should spend more time to be still and prepare for the new year. Listed below are a few things one can do to align with your spiritual self.

Preparation for the Winter Solstice
December 21-24, 2015

  • A time for prayer, meditation and fasting
  • A time to be still and intentional in your thoughts, speech and actions
  • Burn incense, play inspirational music & no tv

S.A.V.E.R.S. Morning Ritual


Be You. Be Still.

Peace, Love & Blessings,

Aminata B. Sow

Sunday, August 23, 2015

YOUR Word Has Power

Have you ever mentioned someone's name and days later that person calls you or you bump into them randomly on the street? In that moment that you spoke that person's name did you realize you were breathing life into the Universe about that individual? Ever hear of the term "Be careful what you wish for, words have power"? Well I am here to affirm that Words do have power and you can either use them for power positive energy or negative energy. The choice is yours.

As humans it is easy for us to get caught up in focusing on the negative. "I do not want to get stuck in traffic", "I do not want to be late for work". What is usually the outcome once you state what you do not want to happen? Many times it actually happens. Why? Well you focused on what you did not want to happen and you spoke life into it. Instead of focusing on what you do not want to happen, breathe life into positive statements.

In the book/film "The Secret" the tenet of the work is that the universe is governed by a natural "law" called the law of attraction which is said to work by attracting into a person's life the experiences, situations, events, and people that "match the frequency" of the person's thoughts and feelings. The book/film affirms that thinking positively can create life-changing results such as increased wealth, health, and happiness.

So the next time you have the urge to think or say something negative, switch your mindset and breathe positive energy into the universe.

Peace, Love & Blessings,

Aminata B. Sow

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Jill Scott spoke to us today....

We just want to have her on speed dial, so when we have an issue...Auntie Jill can solve it. If you haven't listened to this interview, please do so now.

Peace, Love, and Abundant Blessings.
Olamide and Aminata

Monday, July 27, 2015

The definition of...

  1. 1.
    an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.

Above is the standard definition of fear (thanks Google!). So I'm ready to take the next step in my career and my life and I am just now realizing that I'm afraid of taking the next step because I actually don't know where to start or what to do. My interest change every year and my skill set is admirable but it's also comparably similar to skill sets held by other young professionals. The thought of entering another realm knowing that you are expected to have a certain level of understanding based on your "resume" is quite frightening because what if I fall flat on my face as I walk through the "door". 
Another harsh reality that I've faced upon exiting school really does help to know the right people. Which is something that I have always been annoyed with because I wholeheartedly don't really believe in kissing someone's derriere and that you should get ahead in life by your work ethic. So for a brief stint, I tried my best to be sweet and coy...and quickly realized that I was being foolish because it wasn't genuine.
So what do I do...
After a brief discussion with living prophets a.k.a. my parents, I gathered the following:

1. It's ok to be nervous about the next step in life and in fact, it is inevitable that you will fall flat on your face a few're not perfect...because you're not God.

2. The goal isn't to befriend everyone you come in contact with to get ahead...the goal is to leave a positive lasting impression on everyone you meet instead. Your work ethic will speak volumes and when you respect yourself and others, there is nowhere for you to go but up. 

3. Humans are supposed to change mentally and physically overtime, so it isn't a crime to change your interest. Just make sure that you are always honest with yourself about why your interests have changed and whether or not they are changing for pure reasons.

4. Be confident...not cocky and ask questions when you need help. 

5. You're our daughter, complete and total failure really isn't an option...we actually don't have time for that at all.

That parental unit of mine always keeps me in check. Onward.


Monday, July 20, 2015


Today's post visits an old journal entry that I stumbled across last night. I think it is a healthy to look back on the past to learn from your mistakes and see how much you have grown. The tricky part in doing so is remembering not to dwell in the past. Do not get caught in the "Should've, could've, would've", but use your past as a tool to become a stronger individual.

Just a back story... The day I wrote the post below, I was working as a hostess part-time at El-Centro for 2-3 months to save up for my trip to Spain & Italy, in addition to working full-time as a Financial Analyst at a company that I was starting to despise. Literally 2 months later I accepted a position to work at one of the top consulting firms that I claimed for months. Lesson Learned: Be aware of the Power within your Word/Affirmation and be thankful for the now. You might not be where you want to be now but continue to work towards your end goal.

March 4, 2013

I normally don't write... Haven't done so in a very long time but I feel like I should write more often. As I write these few lines, I feel lighter, like I can finally seek refuge and clear my thoughts. As I stand here on this Monday night at El-Centro, my mind wanders to how Blessed I am. Although I do not have everything I want, I do have everything I need. I am truly Blessed and Highly Favored. I'm also realizing more and more that when I speak things into existence with passion, the universe answers. I need to keep this in mind Always!

 Love, Peace & Blessings,

 Aminata B. Sow

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Intellect Collective Book Circle: The Four Agreements

Do you ever go through life feeling like something is missing? Do you ever feel off balance and want to change your current situation but do not know how to do so? In the best selling book The Four Agreements Don Miguel Ruiz provides four principles to practice in order to create a more balanced fulfilled life full of joy and happiness. Committing to the agreements is VERY challenging, however, once you consciously adopt the principles into your everyday life you will notice a change. Take a leap of faith and prepare yourself for a life changing journey!

 The Four Agreements are:

1. Be Impeccable with your Word Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the Word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your Word in the direction of truth and love.

2. Don’t Take Anything Personally Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.

3. Don’t Make Assumptions Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.

4. Always Do Your Best Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret.

P.S. I typed out the principles and have them posted on my wall and written in my journal. The perfect morning Affirmation!

 Peace, Love & Blessings,

Monday, July 13, 2015

Eclectic Vibes

You might want to check out this playlist I made...just because...please and thank you. 
Hopefully you'll like it just as much as I do.
You're Welcome.

The Internet...Ego Death

The Internet is not only a place to find the answers to homework questions, purchase new released sneakers, and troll the internet to stalk celebrities we'll never meet...but it's also a super dope group affiliated with Odd Future. Every summer I search for an anthem, usually something with a ridiculously heavy baseline and slightly obnoxious lyrics...but as I mature, so does my listening ear. The Internet gave me just what I needed this intense, yet light and refreshing mixture of musicality and smooth vocals. Not to mention they have features from a few of my favorites such as Vic Mensa, James Fauntleroy, and Kaytranada (click here).  
"Better act like you know who I am"...something that I frequently want to say to a few people, but never a line from my favorite song on the album called 'Special Affair'. 
Thank you Syd tha Kyd for your smooth vocals...I appreciate ya.

Click Here for a Live Stream of the album: Ego Death.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Nicknames are only for... close friends and family. Therefore, when I introduce myself to you...please don't ask me if I have a nickname because you are too lazy to pronounce my name properly. Here are a few things you must know about me and a few questions that must be answered before you are ALLOWED to use a nickname for me.
1. you know my last name yet? Why are you so eager to already give me a nickname?
2. Do you know where I'm from?
3. My parents chose my name for a reason...I promise, it wasn't on a whim.
4. Nicknames are personal...I JUST met you...less than 5 minutes ago...don't rush this relationship because rushed relationships rarely last.
5. If I wanted you to use a nickname, I would have picked another name to introduce myself as...but I didn't...weren't you listening.
There are very few things that people actually own in this world so the last thing I need you to do is  disrespect me by insinuating that my name is not worth remembering or too hard for you to pronounce. There are a list of names you can pronounce that are actually more difficult than my name (i.e. Schwarzenegger, polawski, etc.)
So the next time someone decides to ask me if I have a nickname, after I have introduced myself with the name I want to be called...i'll literally say "bye Felicia"...and i'm pretty sure you're name isn't Felicia either...but it could be your nickname!

Monday, July 6, 2015

You Owe the World Your Gifts

Hi, my name is Aminata B. Sow and today I decided that I will contribute to the "The Intellect Collective" blog. My friend Olamide called me on Saturday to ask if I would write, and my initial reaction was "maybe". Honestly, I have not written consistently since AP English 12th grade (almost 10 years ago). The more she explained the purpose of the blog, the more excited I became. I ALWAYS have something to discuss (ex. The State of the Black Community, Black Owned Businesses, Gentrification, Financial Literacy, Relationships, etc.), but those conversations, thoughts, and rants are only shared amongst family and friends.

We all have a talent that we use to be good at but stopped doing for whatever reason. We become conditioned to work a 9-5, pay bills and repeat. When did we stop feeding our creative energy? Why do we stop doing the things that we love to do?

TODAY I challenge you to tap into your creative space and start doing something that you use to be good at or something you love to do. The time to do it is now. You owe the world YOUR gifts.

Peace, Love & Blessings,

Aminata B.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

It's my birthday...

A letter to the reader...

So my birthday has actually passed already...but I celebrate in the month of July as well. Anyway, I decided to tell everyone that I have a blog and I'm petrified of what the response will be. I'll have to accept...that my blog probably isn't that good...yet. It's definitely a work in progress...just like me of course...but one day it'll be something cool. If you know me personally then you'll know that a lot of the things already posted are definitely things I'm interested in and love to discuss. I really enjoy introducing people to cool places, cool tattoos, cool items to purchase, and new music to listen to...all of this is opinion based of course. I plan to incorporate more thought provoking pieces on here...but right now I'm just trying this thing called blogging out.

Since it is my birthday/pseudo-birthday month I just have a few favors to ask of you all...
1. Read all the posts...pretty please!!!!
2. Comment on at least one post.
3. If you have my number...text me and give me constructive criticism.
4. If you need me to put together an outfit for you or find an item for "the low"...let me know.
5. Suggestions on new topics are welcome.

Thanks for reading in advance.

Adidas Gazelle OG

I ordered these for my partner and I...and we both agreed that this might not be the shoe for us because our feet are narrow...and for some reason, they make our feet look ridiculously long. I've always been a fan of a classic shoe so it is quite unfortunate that I can't rock these for the general public. Regardless of how they fit me...I still think these are the bomb!!! 

So today I bring to you the Adidas Gazelle OG.
Price: $95 (Night Indigo/Running White/Metallic Gold)
          $85 (Core Black)
Description: Created in 1968, and now a true icon, the men's Gazelle OG shoes feature a full-suede upper. The textured detail on the outsole adds to the vintage look.adidas - Gazelle OG Shoes Night Indigo  /  Running White  /  Metallic Gold Q21600

Cozumel, Quintana Roo, Mexico

Just a few pictures....

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Gladiators and Fringes

I wear them out every single summer. I must walk "hard", stomp or run through piles of gravel because when September rolls around, the sandals that I purchased at the beginning of the summer look like I've had them for years. While going through my spring and summer clothing in preparation to transition to my favorite seasons...I realized that my sandals were no longer wearable. The soles were separated from the foot bed, the straps were destroyed, and the buckles were a bit faulty...therefore the time has come to purchase something new. 
I'm sure you all have figured out that I really love shoes. Cinderella is proof that a good pair of shoes can change your life. On a personal note, I have had back issues all of my life, so I constantly search for shoes with support (hence my love of sneakers) because a bad pair of shoes can ruin my day. Feet are the foundation of our bodies and we must treat them with care!

Anyway...I decided to check Zara out to see what they had and surprisingly I found two options that work well for my slightly arched feet. Zara and I have not always gotten along when it comes to good support and my feet, but they did pretty well with these two options below. 

Image 6 of LEATHER ROMAN SANDAL from Zara
Leather Roman Sandal

Fringed Leather Flat Sandal

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Flower Child at Heart

I'm a flower child at heart, my favorite color is black, and a blatant sneaker head. So when the Aloha Pack was released I was overjoyed! The Aloha pack consists of a few of Nike's classic designs as well as a few modern entries. Unfortunately there was a limited release in the United States, but if you're willing to spend a little extra money then you can order them from Size (UK sneaker site) or purchase one of the releases on eBay. Unfortunately they've only been released in women...HOWEVER...if you're male and can get your foot into one of the larger women sizes...I would still purchase them because they're that dope. See the released items below!

Click to zoom
Nike Women's Huarache

Click to zoom
Nike Women's Cortez

Drag to spin
Nike Women's Roshe

Click to zoom
Nike Women's Air Max 1 

Drag to spin
Nike Pegasus 83 

Drag to spin
Nike Women's Dunk Hi

Friday, March 27, 2015

Senso-ble Heels

You may or may not be familiar with the brand Senso. Established in 1980, SENSO is an Australian footwear brand originally founded by husband and wife duo, Scarlett and Kim Meller. The Meller’s three daughters, Alicia, Imogen & Skye, have since joined the family business and have added a fresh and youthful confidence.

"Senso stays true to its vision of bringing you shoes with a point-of-view, an edge, a touch of fun and a distinguished sense of effortless style."

So today I bring to you the Riley V by Senso.
Price: $189.95
Colors: Chalk Leopard Pony
Description: Crafted from printed pony skin, the cut out sandals feature a single strap to the vamp and a lace up front. Set upon a chunky four inch heel with durable outsole and contrast detail.
Riley V

Friday, March 13, 2015

Hey Jovita!

Shoe of the Day
Jovita by Jeffrey Campbell
Price: $165.00
Description: Perforated black leather open toe wedge. Perfect for the spring. Moderate heel in my opinion (3.75").
'Jovita' Wedge Bootie

Monday, March 9, 2015

Not a Gladiator...

 ...but these are cool! I've been searching for a gladiator sandal that would accommodate my non-existent calves. The reason these caught my eye are solely due to the adjustable straps! Some people have issues with their calves being to wide but I am on the other end of the spectrum. I also like that the shoes are under $100. I'm always on a budget, because at times my "coin game is weak" (thanks Francesca for the phrase). Not usually a fan of Steve Madden shoes because his shoes usually hurt my feet. However, I am willing to try these out.
Brand: Steve Madden
Price: $99.95
Purchase here.
Colors Available: Chestnut Suede and Black Suede

'Villano' Gladiator Sandal (Women)


Tattoo Placement of the Day: Calves!

Back of the calf. Thoughts?

Holly Valence's text tattoo on the back of the leg/ankle/calf. Great placement with Hebrew text which translates to: "This too shall pass"

I like it but after getting my shin done...I don't think I will be getting anymore lower leg tattoos ha

Sunday, March 8, 2015


I wish I was I was an employee at SoundCloud. My specific job would be to listen to the various artists registered on the site and choose my favorites for my friends and I to ride around the city and blast in my car. I want someone to pay me for this...wishful thinking? 

While perusing through artists on SoundCloud I came across the producer Kaytranada, formally known as Kaytradamus. I didn't realize that I'd heard his music before. He produced a track called 'Sober Thoughts' by GoldLink that I play constantly and he has created a plethora of dope remixes to some of my favorite songs. His latest release with Vic Mensa is what really caught my attention.
Haitian born and Canadian raised, I think I've found a gem. He's got tons of followers already, but he definitely deserves more. Check out his page here.

 Image result for Kaytranada

Friday, March 6, 2015


Artist: AZEKEL

Name: Azekel Adesuyi
Origin: East London, United Kingdom 
Nationality: Nigerian (Of course this excites me because I'm Nigerian)
   Occupation: Singer, Songwriter, and Producer

He recently released New Romance, which includes the B-side Holy Matrimony. Azekel has released one solo EP Circa, and is currently working on a full length project.
My favorite song: New Romance 
Check him out on SoundCloud here.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Open Toe Booties

I've actually never been a fan of open toe booties. Honestly, because I didn't understand the concept of the open toe bootie. Can I wear these in the winter since it's a pair of booties? Are these an alternative to sandals in the spring? Will my feet sweat if I wear these in the summer? So many questions that could be deemed as nonsensical to some, but are questions that I always needed answer to, but I digress.
I like these...a lot. I'm working on expanding my color pallet as well, so I'm starting with taupe (baby steps). Don't fret...these also come in my favorite color, black, as well. I actually really like both options but I'm on a budget and can't afford to spend approximately $400 on shoes.
What do you all think about these? Are my aforementioned questions valid or am I just being silly?

Dolce Vita 'Leka' Open Toe Bootie
Price: $189.95
Colors: Black, Taupe
Description: A bold heel cutout and peep toe intensify the clean, modern style of a stacked-heel bootie finished with an exposed zipper for a hint of moto edge.
'Leka' Open Toe Bootie (Women)

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

K Roosevelt: Journey EP

My partner put me on...
He's way cooler than I am and always ahead of the crowd. I guess he assumed that I'd heard of this guy, but I hadn't. This guy...his name is K.Roosevelt and he's one of the producers that make up Hit-Boy's HS87. A follow up to his EP, Rosegold in 2013, this latest project is also an EP, Journey, and is available to download. It displays K. Roosevelt's vocal talents and his production choice. I think K.Roosevelt will soon be the new "go-to" guy for the hook on everyone's rap song this year. 

Just in case your favorite song on the EP is called "Cold". 

Download or listen to here.
Journey EP - K. Roosevelt

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Tattoo of the Day

I love tattoos. I have quite few of them myself. A few with deeper meanings and a few with no meaning at all...which I don't regret at all. Anyway, I always get super duper excited when I see quality work. So here you of the day!

small book tattoos - Yahoo Search Results

Friday, February 27, 2015

Charles & Keith

I must be late because this brand is completely new to me. I really do enjoy perusing through this website because there are a lot of options for every kind of an affordable price. A great alternative to some of the items I love to admire from afar because of the price. There are a plethora of accessories, handbags, and shoes to choose from, unfortunately the brand does not offer apparel.
Check out a few of the items presented on the website below. 
Casual Bowling Bag: Priced at $86.00

Track Sole Booties: Priced at $103.00

Elastic Strapped Heels: Priced at $86.00

Retro Aviators: Priced at $49.00

Woven Embellished Necklace: Priced at $59.00

Click the link below to check out this up and coming brand!


Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Flyer the Knit...The Faster You Run....

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm obsessed with sneakers...I'll admit it now. That way we don't have to discuss why I make and will consistently write so many posts about sneakers. I present to you the following:
 Nike Roshe Flyknit
Colorway: Black/Blue Lagoon/Pink Pow/White
Price: $120.00
Available: February 26, 2015
Click Here

V2 Nike-Roshe-Flyknit-Profile.jpg
"The pared-down design that swept the world was born from the popular phrase, “Less is more.” From the outsole to the upper, every aspect of the Nike Roshe radiates fundamentalism" ...Nike.

Well done Nike....I applaud you. I might just  have to treat myself to an early birthday gift....a few months ahead of time!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

I'm A Good Girl With Tattoos

I'd like to begin with the following quote from Alex Bell...

"Believe it or not, some of us have piercings and tattoos and dye our hair because we think it looks pretty, not for any deep sociological reason. This isn't an act of protest against cultural or social repression. It's not a grand, deliberately defiant gesture against capitalists or feminists or any other social group. It's not even the fashion equivalent to sticking two fingers up at the world. The boring truth of it, Gabriel, is that I don't dress like this to hurt my parents or draw attention to myself or make a statement. I just do it because I think it looks nice. Disappointed?” 
― Alex BellThe Ninth Circle

I love tattoos...and I'm quite unapologetic about it. 

Alex Bell really sums up my thoughts in a clear and concise manner. Some of my tattoos have a deeper meaning...and some do not. I don't really think there is anything wrong with my choice in body art. I have always wondered why people get so upset with other people's personal decisions, especially if they do not cause harm to anyone else. If you don't like the way something probably shouldn't get it or buy it. There are so many other things to be concerned about that are more important than someone's piercings or body art.

Even though I am coming to the end of my tattoo phase, I am still an enthusiast and still am easily excited when I see dope tattoos.

Tattoo Idea of the Day: Mandala Inspired Tattoo's 
 Black Heart tattoo

With that being said...if you're interested in looking at some cool tattoos or piercings...check out my Pintrest Board .


Tuesday, February 17, 2015

My Superhero Sneakers

If I could ever be a superhero, I would wear Nike's Women’s Air Max Huarache ‘Bronzine’ ...
 So instead of purchasing a pair of wheat colored Timberland's, I decided to troll the internet for these instead. I'm so happy that I did because Timberland's do not look good on me at all. I've always wanted a pair since it's return to the fashion community...but a part of growing up is excepting what works for you...and what does not...and Timberland's just aren't for me. Soooooo...instead I got these babies...the huaraches are beautiful. Rich hue and tone, quality material, and extremely comfortable. I don't wear heels often guessed it....they hurt my feet. So I get super excited about sneakers...and I can wear them to work on Casual Fridays!
My new winter AND spring/summer shoe.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Consistency is Key

On this day, February 16, 2015, I promise to do better. I need to post more...because there are so many items I want to share with you.