Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Nicknames are only for... close friends and family. Therefore, when I introduce myself to you...please don't ask me if I have a nickname because you are too lazy to pronounce my name properly. Here are a few things you must know about me and a few questions that must be answered before you are ALLOWED to use a nickname for me.
1. you know my last name yet? Why are you so eager to already give me a nickname?
2. Do you know where I'm from?
3. My parents chose my name for a reason...I promise, it wasn't on a whim.
4. Nicknames are personal...I JUST met you...less than 5 minutes ago...don't rush this relationship because rushed relationships rarely last.
5. If I wanted you to use a nickname, I would have picked another name to introduce myself as...but I didn't...weren't you listening.
There are very few things that people actually own in this world so the last thing I need you to do is  disrespect me by insinuating that my name is not worth remembering or too hard for you to pronounce. There are a list of names you can pronounce that are actually more difficult than my name (i.e. Schwarzenegger, polawski, etc.)
So the next time someone decides to ask me if I have a nickname, after I have introduced myself with the name I want to be called...i'll literally say "bye Felicia"...and i'm pretty sure you're name isn't Felicia either...but it could be your nickname!

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