Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Change Up

So I've decided that we should just write about whatever we want. Now hear me out...

Originally I posted the blog with a solitary goal in mind. The goal was to help our readers find affordable outfits in their closet and at their local department stores, boutiques, etc. Style should always be affordable and every human being deserves the opportunity to look their best at all times.

I still believe that style should always be affordable. That will never change.

But we need more people...and that is just the truth. We don't have a clientele just yet and our readers need to increase in order to cater to their needs. So we can still find affordable pieces but we can also explore other options. 

So why not write about things that are of interest to us? If you haven't noticed already...our subtitle changed. We are mathematicians and engineers during the day...and fearless fashionistas (at least that is what we think)  who love visual arts, literature, and music as well. It's time to share our other passions. 

We've been told that we don't look like mathematicians or engineers, which is ludicrous because human beings are multifaceted and complex. So I'm not sure why we don't fit the mold. Needless to say, this blog will give us and our growing audience a chance to talk about things other than algorithms. Mathematicians and Engineers are fun too. 

We hope you enjoy what we enjoy. 

~ Ola